My Deliciously Moist Brown Butter Plum Cake Recipe
This is a post of love because this recipe combines two things I absolutely love- omega plums and brown butter or as the French say Beurre Noisette.
Early to mid-February plums start appearing and omega are the ones I watch out for, because of their firm flesh, and tart flavour.
They are perfect for eating fresh but after I've eaten my share the first thing I make is this cake.
So deliciously moist, a great keeper and with the crunchy streusel topping nobody will turn this down.
So, My Deliciously Moist Brown Butter Plum Cake Recipe.
Brown Butter Plum Cake
Serves 8-10 incredibly lucky tasters!!!
250 grms Butter
2C plums-diced
2C Brown Sugar
2 eggs
2 1/2 C Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
2C Baking Soda
2tsp cinnamon
Streusel Topping
150grm Butter-melted
1 C Rolled Oats
1/2 C Brown Suagr
1/2 C Flour
Firstly you'll need to burn your butter, I'm not joking.
Place your butter into a small pot and over a medium heat melt, drop temperature to low and keep going till the milk solids and pure fat separate and start to brown.
While doing this stir occasionally so the bottom doesn't catch.
Once it is browned to your liking and I'll say the browner the better the flavour but with out burning it.
Turn off and leave to cool.

Preheat oven to 160'C and line your 26cm tin.
Into a bowl mix the streusel ingredients together and set aside.
In your cake mixer add in the sugar, eggs and beat together till light and fluffy. With the motor still running slowly drizzle in the butter stopping occasionally to beat together.
Once you have incorporated all the butter fold in the dry ingredients and plums, turn into your tin.
Place into oven for 30mins then top with streusel topping, return to the oven and continue cooking for 1hr or till a skewer comes out clean.
Stand for 10 minutes before removing from the tin.
This is delicious served warmed with vanilla ice cream for dessert or with your afternoon cup of tea.
