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How To Make The Perfect Tomato Salad

How To Make The Perfect Tomato Salad

Every year I try to grow a plethora of tomatoes, lots of colours, shapes and flavours just to make this salad.

So, how to make the perfect tomato salad!

Mixed Heritage Tomato Salad

Serves 2


  • 250grm tomatoes-mixed varieties

  • Fresh basil leaves

  • Good quality olive oil

  • Salt/pepper

  • Apple cider vinegar


There's nothing overly complicated about this recipe but what it is all about is the quality of the ingredients you use.

I prefer to use the best I can get-local olive oil, tomatoes I've grown and vinegar that has came from the property too. But maybe for you it's what you have available.

Onto your serving plate arrange thick cut tomatoes, sprinkle of salt and pepper, drizzle over oil and vinegar then scatter over basil.

Please please if there is one thing I can give you is DON'T put your tomatoes in the fridge, they are best eaten at room temp.

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