Happiness In The Garden: Reaping What You Sow
My happy place will always either be my garden or the kitchen. For me both of them are a place of love and peace. A place of giving and receiving.
For me being in the garden is a practice in giving and taking both in equal amounts. Give it attention and time and it will give back tenfold.
This time of year for the garden after several months of good hard work, it's time to pay it back for all that effort. Top up the soil with some amendments such as compost, a good feed and if you have some empty areas this is the perfect time to sow a green crop. Put back what you have taken and your garden will continue to give.
Happiness In The Garden: Reaping What You Sow...
This is also the time of year to start getting your autumn chops in- all the brassicas.
It's the time of year to start thinking about some of those crops that don't like the heat of summer such as carrots, radishes, spinach and rocket.
These are all happy to be directly sown but keep an eye out for drying out soil and if you can keep the areas covered at least till they have germinated, this stops them from drying out.
I know it's hard to think about autumn and early winter vegetables especially that the weather still so warm but as most brassicas take a while to come to maturity, cauliflower can take up to 90 days before they are ready to pick, now is the time to get these in so you have vegetables well into winter.
These I generally put into an area of the garden that had light feeders in it-salad greens or beans. This means minimal amendments are needed and as long as I give everything a regular seaweed tonic feed they will grow strong.

This is also at least for me a great time to get in spring onions, leeks and celery. Spring onions do well right up the first heavy frost same with celery and leeks need to be well established going into winter to be ready to be pulled in spring.
This is also a great time to still have salad greens going in as a lot can keep going right into winter. I like to plant a mix of leaves as well as spinach, kale and rocket for an interesting salad blend.

Love is the flower you've got to let grow
John Lennon